Entel Software
Our acoustic design and dimensioning tasks are assisted by unique softwares and self developed interfaces. Among these, our artificial intelligence-based room shape optimization software is of paramount importance, which has been reported in several scientific announcements.
Sound of Numbers – SONarchitect ISO
International reference design system, which is available in Hungarian since 2016. According to the standards 1,2,3,4 and 6 of the MSZ EN 12354 standard series, it can be used for building acoustic modeling, suitable for the design of entire buildings regardless of size. The software is also available with an academic license. Its main features are: air sound and knocking sound (step sound) simulation, material database with the main European builders, 3D auralization presenting sound insulation, material list and reporting modules, external noise map, interface for Odeon room acoustic simulation and Insul building structure scaling software.
Marshall Day Acoustics – INSUL and ZORBA
Founded in 1981, Marshall Day Acoustics operates acoustic consultancy activities in five countries and also develops and distributes several acoustic design systems. The building and room acoustic scaling products developed by Marshall are represented in Hungary by Entel. The INSUL wall structures, slabs, floors and windows are suitable for the prediction of air sound, knocking sound and rain sound. ZORBA is suitable for the sizing of perforated room acoustic elements. An academic license is also available for both software.
Odeon A/S – ODEON
Our research and development branch has succeeded in several unique acoustic projects in recent years, and several projects are currently being implemented. These are based on experience gained from acoustic planning and consulting assignments and perceived market needs. We produce custom designed software, proprietary interfaces, scaling and optimization algorithms, measurement methods, as well as numerous studies and scientific publications about these. A priority area is the various acoustic applications of artificial intelligence, of which our room shape optimization software has already been proven in several projects. In our work, we are committed to maintaining scientific activity and approach.