After 4 years of preparatory work, the MSZ 2080:2020 national standard on room acoustic requirements was published, and we proactively participated in its creation.
New national standard for room acoustics: MSZ 2080:2020

After 4 years of preparatory work, the MSZ 2080:2020 national standard on room acoustic requirements was published, and we proactively participated in its creation.
The MSZ 2082:2020 standard was published, and we we participated in its creation.
The International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) has started to develop acoustic requirements for music practice rooms (ISO 23591). Dr. Csaba Huszty also participates in the working group responsible for standardization.
2018. on 9th October, the Artificial Intelligence Coalition (MI Koalíció) was established, in which we participate as founding members.
Our company, in cooperation with Saint Gobain Ecophon, has renovated the most unfavourable acoustic classroom of the Fazekas Mihály Primary School and High School in Budapest.
Based on the need for a design project, we developed a room shape optimization design tool with a genetic algorithm, which was first presented at the Internoise 2016 international conference.